Hans HS Winkler


Hans HS Winkler is realizing actions and interventions in the public space since 1984. His projects are seen as interventions into the reality of daily life and the perceptions of popular symbols. From 1988 to 2000, he worked in collaboration with Stefan Micheel under the label "p.t.t.red ." (paint the town red) on the city space installations like “golden section through Berlin, 1988, “redshift” Berlin, 1990 or “how much red does the statue of liberty bear”, New York, 1996.

Since 2000 his Interventions and actions includes “The Escape of the Iceman”, Bolzano, Italy, 2008, “Buy a revolution”, San Francisco, 2010 or “un Incidente in gondola”, Venice, 2002 or the "Journey to Kahoolawe", 2013-19. He has also curated exhibitions, including “Legal/ Illegal” at NGBK in Berlin, 2004, and “Looking for mushroom” at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne, 2008. His Walking Newspaper project has been published in Istanbul, Johannesburg, New York, Havana and San Francisco. Hans Winkler lives in Berlin and New York.

 Language of Navajos, From Whips, From Trains, & The Golden Bomb (16.53)

Part 1: Language of Navajos - code during W 2

By 1945 more than four hundred Navajo soldiers were serving in the US Marine Corps as code talkers.

The letter "A" might be "wol-la-chee" (which means ant) (00.18)

Part 2:

From whips (00.20)

From trains (02.20)

Part 3 (in German):

The "Golden Bomb", is a fictional text about a bomb attack on Paris in 1894 (with a golden bomb) by Franz Held (Herzfeld). He was a socialist and a famous writer and playwriter of his time and father of John Heartfield and Wieland Herzfelde (co-founder of DADA Berlin). In 1895 his work was censored and some books forbidden in Munich and he had to leave Germany with his family. (14.03)


Hans HS Winkler realiseert sinds 1984 acties en
interventies in de openbare ruimte sinds 1984. Zijn projecten worden gezien al interventies in de realiteit van het dagelijks leven en de perceptie van populaire symbolen. Van 1988 tot 2000 werkte hij samen met Stefan Micheel onder het label "p.t.t.red ." (verf de stad rood) aan de stadsruimt installaties zoals "golden section through Berlin, 1988, "redshift" Berlin, 1990 of "how much red does the statue of liberty bear", New York, 1996.

Sinds 2000 omvatten zijn interventies en acties "De ontsnapping van de Iceman", Bolzano, Italië, 2008, "Koop een revolutie", San Francisco, 2010 of "un Incidente in gondola", Venetië, 2002 of de "Journey naar Kahoolawe", 2013-19. Hij heeft ook tentoonstellingen samengesteld, waaronder "Legal/
Illegal" in NGBK in Berlijn, 2004, en "Looking for mushroom" in het Museum Ludwig in Keulen, 2008. Zijn Walking Newspaper project is gepubliceerd in
Istanbul, Johannesburg, New York, Havana en San Francisco. Hans Winkler woont in Berlijn en New York.